Sayo Fukuko

Picture Credit: Caithion / 80th Anniversary Book
Name: Sayo Fukuko
Kanji: 小夜 福子
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Musumeyaku → Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Iida, Ringo-chan
Real Name: 東郷富美子 (Tougou Fumiko) (Her maiden name was Iida 飯田)
Birthday: March 5th, 1909
Blood Type:
Hometown: Numazu, Shizuoka
Favorite Food:
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Colors:
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: A famous Waka (Japanese Poem) by Sangi Masatsune.
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:
Class: 1921 (11th Class)
Debut: (1922) The Flow of Spring / Dancing Princess Kasuga / Cyrano de Bergerac / Genghis Khan / Wine Cup Dialogues
Troupe History:
YEAR - 1942 Senka (Acting)
1922 - YEAR Moon Troupe
1942: Return East (Moon), Lampa
1941: Masatsura's Departure for the Front Lines / The Spring Breeze Which Blows in the Evening / The Song of Great Yamato, Masatsura / Fuji Musume / Ōtomo no Yakamochi
1941: Dreaming of Soga / A Hymn to Beauty and Strength
1940: Forget-Me-Not / High Tide / Aviation Japan
1940: The Flow of Memories / Summer Dance (Flowers and Lightning)
1940: Princess Kiyo / Spring Dance (Song of the White Orchid)
1940: The Empire of Japan
1939: Light Rain on the Hill
1939: Dawn Song / The Journal of Our Travels
1939: American Tour
1939: Moroccan Leopard / Takarazuka Flower Tale
1938: Night Attack / March On Time
1938: Hunting in the Rushes
1938: The Moon Over the Ruined Castle / Takarazuka Folies
1937: Gunsmoke / Takarasienne
1937: Ballad Scroll of Greater Edo
1937: Samurai Shattered by Love / Magnolia
1936: Inemuri Temple / Gondolier
1936: Letters From Jakarta / Autumn-Leaf Viewing / Talking About the Year, Kinuya Saburou / Taira no Koremochi / Cecil / Georg / Count of Monte Cristo
1936: Peony Album / The Youth of Heine
1936: The Count of Monte-Cristo
1936: Prayer for Tamamushi / Fickle Julia
1936: Fires of Hell / Carrying a Letter / Music Album
1935: Further Vengeance / Duke Nanoka
1935: Swan Castle Tale / Mohnblumen, William / Stefan Koltai
1934: Princess Hato's Visit Home / Suou Otoshi / Youth
1934: The Doll / The Bell in the Old Castle
1934: Secret Music of the Blue Waters / Takeshiba Travel Journal
1934: Spring Dance / Princess Turandot, Calaf
1934: Takara Sambaso / Paris Apache / Lord Koubai / Hana Shishuu, Okina / Albert / Frantz Guston
1933: Romeo and Juliet, Romeo
1933: The Origins of Japanese Hanagasa
1933: The Eight Dog Warriors / O-natsu Fantasy / Lovely Lark
1933: The Sword Thief / Sekishunfu / Kagamijishi / Paris ・ New York, Inakamono Manbee / Kanpei
1932: Girl from Totsugawa / The Gun Was Fired
1932: Service At Kyouran-bashi / The Sword Thief / Bouquet d'Amour, Colette
1932: Tied to a Pole / Whoopie Girl
1931: Jung-Heidelberg, Robert / Autumn-Leaf Viewing Taira no Koremochi / Vengeance
1931: Short-Wave Transmitter
1931: The Changing Hina Doll
1931: Yakko Dojoji
1930: Modern Day Three Musketeers / When There Was Quite a Flowering of Courtly Tradition / Toujin Okichi / An Inconcievable Mistake
1930: Kamabara (The Sickle and Injured Pride)
1930: Fuji Drums / Prayer for Tamamushi
1930: House for Sale
1929: Fallen Leaves / Sold-Out
1929: Cinderella
1929: Collection of Rumoured Japanese Demons / Ripples on the Danube
1929: High Priest Enoki
1928: The Four Sentries
1928: Flowing Movement
1928: Jikou
1928: Three in Silence
1927: Kintoki's Boastful Story
1927: Baseball
1927: Ono no Michikaze
1927: Tonmii's Dream / The Passage of Time
1926: Shoujou Hunting / Let's Stop Quarreling
1926: Flat-rate Taxis
1924: The Lighthouse Keeper's Daughter / Boasi / Lady Masaoka / Insects Attracted to Flame / The Matchmaker
1923: Turning the Corner
1923: The Enchantress of the Lake
1923: Kaoumaru
YEAR: Name of Show
- She was one of the first Takarazuka Revue otokoyaku to cut her hair short.
- She became kumichou of Moon Troupe in 1938, but retired soon after to marry a takarazuka director, Tougo Shizuo. Their son, the jazz singer Tougou Teruhisa, married former Takarasienne Yachiyo Tamaki, who is said to be Minoru Kou mother's cousin.
- She returned to acting in 1943, and continued on stage and in films until her death in 1989.
- She was considered the first 'Fairy Style Otokoyaku'.
- She was originally a musumeyaku, but switched to become an otokoyaku.
- Her younger sister is Kumoi Chigusa.
- Passed away Dec. 29th, 1989.