Hakua Rei


Hakuarei Ototome2022 Hakuarei Onstage

Picture Credit: fayegumi | Otome 2022 / Gran Cantante!! Program

Standard Profile Information

Name: Hakua Rei
Kanji: 珀亜 れい
Current Troupe: Star
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Current

Nickname: Haku, Mokkyun, Runrun
Height: 169 cm
Birthday: August 27th
Blood Type:
Hometown: Neyagawa, Osaka
Favorite Food: sushi, meat, fruit
Favorite Flower: rose
Favorite Colors: black, blue, red
Hobbies: watching horror movies and comedy
Collections: t-shirts, cosmetics
Special Talent: drawing eyes
Origin of Stage Name: thought of it with her family
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: Death from Romeo and Juliette

Debut: 2022 (108th Class) A Second Fortuitous Meeting Next Generation -Midnight Girlfriend- / Gran Cantante!!
Troupe History:
2022 - Current Star Troupe


2024: Hit Me Anyone One More Time / Tiara Azul
2024: Big Fish (Tokyu Theatre Orb)
2024: RRR x TAKA"R"AZUKA / Violetopia
2023: 1789: The Lovers of Bastille
2023: Valencian Passion / Passion d'Amour Again! (National Tour)
2022-23: Dimitri / Jaguar Beat
2022: A Second Fortuitous Meeting Next Generation / Gran Cantante!!

Shinjin Kouen Roles

2024: RRR x TAKA"R"AZUKA, Oliver (HY: Yuuhi Maki)
2023: 1789: The Lovers of Bastille
2022-23: Dimitri, Kach (HY: Yuuhi Maki)

Concerts, Dinner Shows, and Special Performances

YEAR: Name of Show


None yet.

Created by caithion. Last Modification: Wednesday 22 of May, 2024 16:23:04 GMT-0000 by liminalroses.
