Chiyo Kaoru
Picture Credit: 1951 Otome
Name: Chiyo Kaoru
Kanji: 千代 薫
Current Troupe:
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Tami-chan
Real Name: Kamiyama Mitsuko (神山みつ子) . . . or possibly Mitsuru (みつる)
Height: 157.5 cm
Birthday: Feb. 17th
Blood Type:
Hometown: Tokyo
Favorite Food: mochi, sweets
Favorite Flower: sweet pea, cosmos
Favorite Colors: dark red
Hobbies: music
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name:
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: an opera musumeyaku, a prima donna
Class: 1946 (31st Class, Group A)
Debut: (1945) Chrysanthemum Fairyland (Kitano Theater)
Troupe History:
1946 - 1953 Snow Troupe
1953: Javanese Dancer
1952: Javanese Dancer (Nagoya)
1951: Four Fantasias / Elegy of a White Flower (Nagoya)
1950: Hanago / The Lion Dance / The Tales of Hoffmann (Nagoya), Servant / Butterfly
YEAR: Name of Performance, Name of Role
YEAR: Name of Show
- Her sister was Ooji Michio (27th class) and her daughter was Ashibue Ruka (63rd class).