Site Discussion

Site Discussion

18.0 -> 20.1 Upgrade

posts: 35 United States
Hi everyone,

After running into some issues during the earlier downtime with the upgrade process, I was able do some dark and arcane database rituals and we're now on Tikiwiki 20.1; huzzah!!!

There's some lingering CSS weirdness with font size in the side bar and buttons that I'll address over the next few days. Any other issues you run into with font size, let me know and I'll throw a fix on it. The default styling changed dramatically between 18 and 20.

Take things for a test drive! Try to edit, restore old versions of pages, make posts, upload images, search — report anything that goes haywire here for us to look into.

Thanks for your patience the past few days! Takawiki would not be what it is today without the vast community of contributors and users.

See you next year!
~ Helena
posts: 35 United States
Jen actually noticed this earlier today.

It seems like, with this update, [] links with things like %2B and %2529 and such no longer work. We can replace them with the + and ) and such, but this will take time. Definitely fix it if you run into it!

I'm trying to figure out to do a bulk find and replace but it's difficult because the db stores the pages as blob files. Looking into solution for this.

Thanks for giving us a heads up!
posts: 2
Thank you for all the work you put into this project!

... it seems that the links from the participating actresses' pages leading to the show Doctor Zhivago are all broken. I can't see why this show is affected; it is clearly not a general problem. I fixed a few, but is it the best (or even the only) strategy to repair pages individually? Does someone understand how this happend?
