This is a subpage for the larger guide on How to Use the Takarazuka Online Ticket System. Please start with that page.

Print @ Home

If you chose this method of receiving your tickets, after you have completed your purchase, click on the (3) "My Page" link at the bottom of the main page.

Ticketing Links

If you are not already logged in, it will take you to the log in page. Once that is done, you can access your ticket from "My Page." You'll open the ticket file (チケット印刷画面) and print.

  • It is set to print on A4 size paper, which is slightly different from the letter size used in the US, but should print all right.
  • Bring the whole page with you. They will need to scan the barcode at the theater.
  • Black and white is fine.

Ticketing Machine (自動発券機) at the Theater

  • There are currently only ticketing machines at the Grand Theater and Tokyo Takarazuka Theater.

You can get your tickets either by inserting the credit card you used to purchase the tickets into the machine, or by using information in the confirmation mail sent to you after you purchased the tickets. This information will include an order number (=confirmation number) and a password (=your phone number).

The machine will then print out the tickets for you.

(Knowing Japan, if you stand in front of the machine looking lost with your credit card or phone in hand, someone will help you out.)

7-11 Convenience Store (セブン-イレブン)

Their FAQ page is a little sparse on how to pick up the tickets at 7-11 stores, so I'm not sure if they use the Ticket-Pia machine built into the copy machine, or if you go to the counter. The email you receive will probably tell you, so you can bring that email to the store and show the clerk if you're having trouble.

(If anyone has a more firm answer, please do fix this section up!)

Created by caithion. Last Modification: Thursday 07 of May, 2015 01:03:02 GMT-0000 by caithion.
