Rika Manami



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Picture Credit: Yourwikiname

Standard Profile Information

Name: Rika Manami
Kanji: 梨花 まなみ
Current Troupe:
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: Retired

Nickname: Yuuko-chan
Height: 161 cm
Birthday: Oct. 21st
Blood Type:
Hometown: East Ward, Osaka
Favorite Food: chocolate cake, meat
Favorite Flower: sweat pea
Favorite Colors: white, black, pale colors
Hobbies: shopping, watching movies
Collections: cute purses
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: Thought of it with her family
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: Cinderella, Friederike from "The Window of Orpheus"

Debut: 1975 (61st Class) Takarazuka Spring Dance
Troupe History:
1976 - 1980 Star Troupe


1980: Adventurers in Love / Festa Festa (Grand Theater)
1980: The Star Antares / Rose Fantasia
1979: The Star Antares / Rose Panic
1979: The Midnight Sun, My Love
1978-79: Hokashu / C'est Charmant
1978: For Whom the Bell Tolls
1977-78: A Sad Goodbye in the Thames Fog / C'est Magnifique
1977: Gone With the Wind
1976-77: Gypsy of the Setting Sun / Happy Tomorrow
1975: The Rose of Versailles -Andre and Oscar- (Flower)

Shinjin Kouen Roles

1980: Adventurers in Love
1980: The Star Antares
1979: The Star Antares
1979: The Midnight Sun, My Love
1978-79: C'est Charmant
1978: For Whom the Bell Tolls
1977-78: A Sad Goodbye in the Thames Fog
1977: Gone With the Wind
1976-77: Gypsy of the Setting Sun

Concerts, Dinner Shows, and Special Performances

YEAR: Name of Show


Created by caithion. Last Modification: Tuesday 18 of June, 2019 23:16:52 GMT-0000 by caithion.
