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Elizabeth plot question

First a huge thank you to all who have put this site together and maintain it for newbs like me that stumble across a Takarazuka clip on Youtube and become addicted. I just got my dvd and cd of Elizabeth and am absolutely in love with them both! (Crescent Trading is a wonderful place to shop from, they made things very easy for me and it was much appreciated.)

I've two questions actually, both are from Act Two. First one, when Death has just showed Elizabeth the picture and she's crushed. He brings that knife out, but doesn't give it to her. What was that about? Secondly at the end, when Franz Joseph seems to be interrogating Death. Everything I learned about Japanese is from animes :( So all I understood clearly was Death yelling out 'No!" But that's about it. If anyone could clear these two plot points up, it'd be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks,
posts: 708
> I'm going to have to play with this to see if I can figure out how to subtitle it.

Ah. Er. We weren't planning on saying anything until we were 100% finished, but there is actually a group of us working on this.

Wow! That was so much more then I expected. Many thanks! It seems that I'm turning into the official Elizabeth translator to my friends that have watched the dvd. The script translations and synopsis here told me just about everything, cept those bits I just wasn't sure which way they were going.
I'm going to have to play with this to see if I can figure out how to subtitle it. It was funny that the only word I thought I understood, I'd misinterpreted, it wasn't Death yelling No! after all. I really need to start learning to speak Japanese one of these days.

Thanks again,
posts: 708
Hi Ray.

For the first one, Death is showing her that he still has the knife that she almost tried to kill herself with before, and promising her it'll still be there when she wants to die again.

If he’s cheating on you, how will you live?

Elisabeth: It’s impossible. …. This is….

Death: It was taken in the palace.

Elisabeth: The emperor’s bedroom.

Death: This is his love.

Elisabeth: What should I do? I can’t live with this!

Death: Then what about death?

Elisabeth: You!

Let’s leave now, for the land of darkness
I, who love you, the two of us together

After this I’ll close my heart to him
If he sins against me, I’ll have my freedom

Don’t deceive yourself. You never loved him
The one you love, is me!

Elisabeth: No! … If you’re really Death, you can snatch away my life … but I can never love you. Get out. … That’s…?

Death: For when the second time you want to die comes...

And at the end, Death and FJ are arguing over who Elisabeth really loves.

Franz: Elisabeth is my wife.

Death: While she was alive.

Franz: I made her empress of Austria!

Ghosts: (Made her empress)

Death: You can’t rescue Elisabeth’s soul

Franz: (How would you know?)

Death: She…

Franz: (She… hates you.)

Death: …loves me!

Franz: She could never love you. You are…

Ghosts: (The lord of the underworld)

Franz: And yet why don’t you snatch away her life quickly?

Death: I’m waiting for the right time.

Franz: A lie! You’re afraid--

Chorus: (Why don’t you snatch away her life?)

Franz: --she’ll reject your love!

Death: You’re wrong! Elisabeth…

Franz: Elisabeth…

