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Where can I get photos of two of my favorite older otokoyaku's?

posts: 17
I'm searching for good photo's of two of my favorite otokoyaku's, Ichira Maki and Asami Rei AS OTOKOYAKU'S. I am more than willing to pay for them. I'm at a loss as to where to go for pictures of the older otokoyaku's. Any assistance given would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
posts: 12 Poland
Yahoo Japan auctions are your best bet (or Taka-An if you can get to Tokyo or Takarazuka). There is a guide on the Wiki on buying goods through auctions, and use the kanji for their names to search - for example this is Ichiro's first top star photobook: http://page17.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/v31425714

> I'm searching for good photo's of two of my favorite otokoyaku's, Ichira Maki and Asami Rei AS OTOKOYAKU'S. I am more than willing to pay for them. I'm at a loss as to where to go for pictures of the older otokoyaku's. Any assistance given would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
