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Which Version of Elisabeth is the Best?

Due to my limited Japanese, I browsed a few websites listed on the links page and found that there are several versions of the musica available. There was also the (I think) 10th anniversary version available. But which is better?

I asked my mom to look at the Elisabeth clip that Merry Shannon uploaded to YouTube, and she was very impressed with the Takarasienne playing Death. Can anyone tell me her name? And also, if possible, post a link on this thread to a website that sells it?

Thank you so much!
i have two favorites, depending on my own behavier at the moment ... as a very strong playing death i like zunko - her voice is so *wow* but in total my favorite version is the hana one because sumire for me is the best death in acting, dancing and singing, not as strong als zunko but more elegant and proud ... only one song i like more by zunko is "yami ga hirogaru" but i think it depends on tomu as rudolf, her voice fits very good with zunkos voice ...
mizukusa, I don't remember much of the snow or star Elisabeths as I don't have the DVD's for them. I don't watch tapes of the older performances so much, the costumes and makeup are so much better now, especially when you're watching up-close.

But tsuki's my favorite group too... and I love Yuuhi, Asako, Kiriyan, and Gaichi's acting!!!
posts: 32
I think there is no answer to this question.

If you should think about buying one, you should try to decide by the clips on youtube.

My personal favourite is Tsukigumi, but that's also because Tsuki is my favourite troupe and I know most about their members.
I love Shizuki Asato's Death in the Soragumi version, Hanagumi is (in my opinion) the best one when it comes to the quality of acting, singing and dancing.

Until now I didn't see Yukigumi and Hoshigumi, so I can't say anything about them.
Tika, I agree. The 2005 moon troupe Elisabeth has (I think) the most "experienced" performers. After that, maybe 1998 cosmos. My least favorite just might be 2002 flower with the exception of Rei Otori's Elisabeth.
> princesslucia:
> Which Version of Elisabeth is the Best?
> All of them, of course. :) Put five Zuka fans in one room and you'll get about thirty different answers to this question.

That's right... .

So, I throw the Moon Troupe Version into the room.
Ayaki Nao
  • smiles sheepishly*
Actually ... I already ordered the concert and should get it about tomorrow ... :D

Mmm ... Cocktail ... here I come ... :D
posts: 144 United States
The logical next step for an Osa fan is her concert... I Got Music. :) She sings, dances, sings Italian opera, *tap* dances, plays the clarinet, conducts the orchestra, does drum tricks, sings some more, looks fabulously gorgeous...


After that, get something, anything, with the revue "Cocktail"!
I got that DVD couple of weeks back and I'm still watching it like ... every day or every other day. :D

Now I'm thinking of getting the Cosmos version, because everyone tells me that is so fantastic! Other than Elisabeth, any more recommendations as to what to get? (Keeping in mind that my mom is an Osa fan ... I'm thinking more towards shows by Flower ...)
posts: 144 United States
Which Version of Elisabeth is the Best?

All of them, of course. :) Put five Zuka fans in one room and you'll get about thirty different answers to this question. But I promise you won't regret starting with Hanagumi and the glorious Haruno Sumire!
haha.i love asato shizuki as death, followed by sumire haruno!


I think this will be the next DVD I'll be getting then! Thank you Genevieve!

posts: 166
Oh woops - I was thinking of a different clip.

That's Flower Troupe, so your first link is the right one! Haruno Sumire, the current top star of Flower Troupe, plays Death.

-- Genevieve
The link to Merry's clip is:


Was it the Cosmos version? My mom was really really impressed with the Takarasienne playing Death. I was not that surprised that my family was quite interested in the clips I showed them from YouTube.Com, as we've always been quite a fan of musicals and are long time supporters of the Hong Kong's Koi Ming Fai, a Cantonese Opera actress who plays male roles.
posts: 166
The version in your link is Flower Troupe, which is *my* favorite version.

I *think* the version on MerryShannon's clip is Cosmos version, but I haven't looked at it in awhile... can you post a link?

Here's a link to Cosmos version:


It's also really good. :)

-- Genevieve
I found this version of Elisabeth on DVD from TCAPictures.Net, is this the same production as the one Merry posted on You Tube? My mom's pretty keen to watch the entire musical, so she's kinda keen to buy it. Gee ... it seems the Takarazuka craze is sweeping the family (and some friends) even before the first DVD comes!

