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Takumi Hibiki "Charlie"

posts: 17
From her Tiki page it doesn't appear as if Charlie performed after the onset of her illness, but she has an offical web site with what looks like a fairly recent picture. I don't read Japanese so I can't read what she has been doing. I hope she was able to continue performing or whatever she wanted to do. Can anyone tell me how she has been and what she has been doing?
posts: 166
Yeah, the Wiki pages really only cover each star up to retirement, unless someone adds tid-bits about their OG life to the "Other" part at the bottom.

I haven't kept up with her most recent news, but I know she was in a horror movie a couple years or so after she retired. She was also in some dance performances, including with Anju Mira's troupe, though at least once she had to cancel due to illness.
