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2006 Snow troupe collection

posts: 3
I would like to purchase one of the 06 skystage boxes, but I'm trying to find out what's on them. Since I really like yukigumi, I would like to buy the 06 yukigumi collection box. But since I can't really read kanji or any katagana, I can't figure out what you get with the boxes.
On the official online store, it says

♪「ベルサイユのばら-フェルゼンとマリー・アントワネット編- (朝海・貴城・水役替わり)」
♪「ベルサイユのばら-オスカル編-」 新人公演 (東京宝塚劇場)
♪「ベルサイユのばら-オスカル編-」 千秋楽 (東京宝塚劇場) ♪「やらずの雨」

And by translating kanji and katagana to romanji with the help of an online tool, I have been able to figure out it has footage of 06 Berubara, and Takashiro Kei is in one of them. But does the DVD include full perfomances of the Rose of Versailles 06 Oscar, or is it just behind-the-scenes footage, and rehearsals? The link to the 06 yukigumi box : http://www.takarazuka-an.co.jp/product/TSSD-14.html

posts: 39 United States
The Total Collection DVDs include only *digests* of all listed titles. I can't remember exactly because it's been a while since I've seen one, but the digests can range from like 3 minutes for dinner shows to 8 minutes for shinkos.
It's not a box, either, it's a single DVD with a thick color booklet that includes small photos of the major productions.
Hope that helps; let me know if you have any more questions.
