History: kumichou

Preview of version: 18 (current)

kumichou (組長): literally, "troupe leader"

The actress in a particular troupe who debuted first, and is generally therefore the oldest and most experienced. This is never the top star, and can be either an otokoyaku or a musumeyaku.

Each troupe also has a fukukumichou or "vice"-kumichou.

Current Kumichou

Flower: Mikaze Maira
Moon: Rika Masumi
Snow: Souno Haruto
Star: Miki Chigusa
Cosmos: Matsukaze Akira

Related Links:

Kumichou and Vice-Kumichou Charts


Information Version
Tue 31 of Oct, 2023 12:13 GMT-0000 yuzukahibiscus 17 - 18
