douki (同期): literally, "same class"
All of the members of each graduating class are douki, or classmates. The two years that seito spend in the Music School create a strong bond of friendship that classmates have for their entire Takarazuka careers, and indeed, their entire lives. While all douki may not be the best of friends, some bonds stay with them even if they are separated into different troupes. Classmates often speak of holding parties or participating in other outside activities together, and they almost always help out their douki in some capacity when one of them retires. OGs are often known to visit for a classmate's retirement as well.
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All of the members of each graduating class are douki, or classmates. The two years that seito spend in the Music School create a strong bond of friendship that classmates have for their entire Takarazuka careers, and indeed, their entire lives. While all douki may not be the best of friends, some bonds stay with them even if they are separated into different troupes. Classmates often speak of holding parties or participating in other outside activities together, and they almost always help out their douki in some capacity when one of them retires. OGs are often known to visit for a classmate's retirement as well.
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