Subaru Hanaka



Image Image

Picture Credit: mizukusa // Solomon no Yubiwa / Mariposa no Hana programme still / Otome 2008

Standard Profile Information

Name: Subaru Hanaka
Kanji: 寿春花果
Current Troupe:
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: retired

Nickname: Adachuu
Height: 164 cm
Birthday: August 18th
Blood Type:
Hometown: Komaki
Favorite Food: milk products
Favorite Flower: Baby's-breath, lily
Favorite Colors: pale pink, pastel colours
Hobbies: have meals with her classmates
Collections: cute small things, accessory
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: She thought about it with the advice of many people.
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: She wants to try all kinds of roles.

Debut: 2008 (94th Class) Me and My Girl
Troupe History:
2008 - 2014 Snow Troupe


2014: Maeda Keiji / My Dream Takarazuka, Gin
2014: Rose of Versailles: Oscar and Andre (National Tour), Simone
2013-14 Shall We Dance / CONGRATULATIONS Takarazuka!!, Dancer
2013: Wakaki Hi no Uta wa Wasureji / Narcisse Noir II (National Tour), O-Yo
2013: Rose of Versailles: Fersen
2013: Wakaki Hi no Uta wa Wasureji / Shining Rhythm! (Chunichi), O-Yo
2012: JIN / Gold Spark!, Fate's Dancing Dreamer
2012: Footloose (Umeda / Hakataza)
2012: Don Carlos / Shining Rhythm!
2012: Infinity (Bow Hall)
2011: The Man in the Iron Mask / Royal Straight Flush!!
2011: How to Succeed (Drama City)
2011: Nijinsky (Bow Hall)
2011: Romeo & Juliette
2010: In Love For the First Time (Drama City / Nippon)
2010: Roget / Rock On!
2010: The Dawn at Solferino / Carnevale: A Sleeping Dream
2009: Snowy Landscape (Bow Hall)
2009: Russian Blue -Malleus Maleficarum- / Rio de Bravo!!
2009: Nishiki-e of the Wind / Zorro - The Masked Messiah
2008: King Solomon's Ring / La Mariposa
2008: Me and My Girl (Grand Theater)

Shinjin Kouen Roles

2014: Maeda Keiji, Kita no Mandokoro Nene
2013-14 Shall We Dance, Rigitte
2013: Rose of Versailles: Fersen, City Woman
2012: JIN, Katsuno
2012: Don Carlos, Lady Mendoza
2011: The Man in the Iron Mask, Marquise de Montespan (Tokyo only)
2011: Romeo & Juliette
2010: Roget
2010: The Dawn at Solferino
2009: Russian Blue -Malleus Maleficarum-
2009: Zorro
2008: La Mariposa
2008: Me and My Girl (Grand Theater)

Concerts, Dinner Shows, and Special Performances

2007: Pure, Proper, Beautiful


She has turned her musumeyaku image into a business with Mimi Libre
a series of lessons in "beauty" and "charm" through ballet, makeup, fashion, and other such lessons. In support of this venture is her "beauty medalist blog" with popular fashion magazine "25 ans."

Pointe Mimi Bijou Hair accessories and earrings

Created by mizukusa. Last Modification: Monday 02 of July, 2018 17:05:47 GMT-0000 by caithion.
