Shioka Yurisa



Picture Credit: Meet Again / Nova Bossa Nova program

Standard Profile Information

Name: Shioka Yurisa
Kanji: 汐夏 ゆりさ
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: Retired

Nickname: Natsuki
Height: 162cm
Birthday: August 11
Blood Type:
Hometown: Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture
Favorite Food:
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Colors:
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name:
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:

Debut: 1998 (84th Class) Citrus Breeze
Troupe History:
1999 - 2003 Snow Troupe


2003: American Pie (Bow Hall), Cathy
2003: In the Tender Light of a Fine Spring / Joyful!!, lady attendant
2002: Saikai / The Splendor of 1000 Beats 2002 (national tour)
2002: Memories of Barcelona / On the Fifth, Marietta
2002: Complete Devotion (Drama City), Okimi
2001-02: Flaming Love / Rose Garden
2001: Over the Moon -Tsukikage Hitomi Chronicle- (Bow Hall), Eileen
2001: Anna Karenina (Bow Hall), Miss Sorokin
2000: Singing In the Moonlight (Drama City)
2000: Department Store / Arch of Triumph
1999-00: The Man Called Bacchus / Splendor of a Thousand Beats '99
1999: Meet Again / Nova Bossa Nova
1998: House Amid the Thickets / Ravir
1998: Excalibur / Citrus Breeze (Grand Theater)

Shinjin Kouen Roles

2003: In the Tender Light of a Fine Spring, Mibu-no-naishi
2002: Memories of Barcelona, Esmeralda
2001-02: Flaming Love, Rong Fei
2001: In Search of El Dorado, O-Yuu
2000: Arch of Triumph
1999-00: The Man Called Bacchus
1999: Nova Bossa Nova
1998: House Amid the Thickets
1998: Excalibur (Grand Theater)

Concerts / Dinner Shows / Specials

2002: Smile (Naruse Kouki Dinner Show)
1999: Revue Special '99
1999: Half & Half (Shiokaze Kou Dinner Show)


Created by lokai. Last Modification: Sunday 04 of December, 2022 11:44:17 GMT-0000 by zilimidori.
