Retirements - 1994 (Heisei 6)

All retirements occured after the show's Tokyo performance, unless otherwise noted.

Senka: 1 (death)
Flower: 4
Moon: 7
Snow: 12
Star: 8

Total: 31 retirements, 1 death

DateName KanjiFinal PerformanceTroupeKen
12/26Shion Yuu紫苑ゆうCasanova, Memento of a Dream / La Cantata!Star (top star)17
12/26Hagoromo Ran 羽衣蘭Casanova, Memento of a Dream / La Cantata! Star11
12/26Kanou Chiho叶千穂Casanova, Memento of a Dream / La Cantata! Star8
11/27Ran Reika蘭玲花The Afterglow of Eire / Takarazuka Ole! Moon11
11/27Mishiro Mari美城まりThe Afterglow of Eire / Takarazuka Ole! Moon9
11/27Hanazono Yukari花園ゆかりThe Afterglow of Eire / Takarazuka Ole! Moon7
9/26Kinami Chie希波千愛Casanova, Memento of a Dream / La Cantata! (Takarazuka)Star13
9/26Jun AtsukiじゅんあつきCasanova, Memento of a Dream / La Cantata! (Takarazuka)Star6
9/26 Ayato Rena彩斗れなCasanova, Memento of a Dream / La Cantata! (Takarazuka) Star6
8/29Sahara Miyuki早原みゆ紀Gone with the WindSnow17
8/29Tama Madoka珠まどかGone with the WindSnow9
7/29Shihou Akeno 紫鳳あけのBlack Jack / PhoenixFlower7
5/9Maio Tsubasa舞央つばさBlack Jack / Phoenix (Takarazuka)Flower6
5/9 Kochou Asuka胡蝶明日香Black Jack / Phoenix (Takarazuka)Flower5
4/27Maiki Aya舞希彩Gone with the WindMoon15
4/27Asabuki Minami朝吹南Gone with the WindMoon8
4/27Toki Yufuka時由布花Gone with the WindMoon7
4/27Fujishiro Maki藤代真希Gone with the WindMoon6
4/8Kirishima Ruka (1)桐島るかSeal of the Bourbons / La Côte d'AzurSnow6
3/31Shima Yuuka (2)洲悠花I Won't Forget the Young Day's Song / Jump Orient! (Takarazuka)Star14
3/28Murasaki Tomo紫ともSeal of the Bourbons / La Côte d'AzurSnow (top musumeyaku)10
3/28Asagiri Mai朝霧舞Seal of the Bourbons / La Côte d'AzurSnow9
3/28Yuuzuki Mika夕月美佳Seal of the Bourbons / La Côte d'AzurSnow9
3/28Kamo Urara加茂うららSeal of the Bourbons / La Côte d'AzurSnow6
3/28Hayase Shoumaはやせ翔馬Seal of the Bourbons / La Côte d'AzurSnow6
3/28Suzune Rira鈴音りらSeal of the Bourbons / La Côte d'AzurSnow6
3/28Kazuki Sei一希星Seal of the Bourbons / La Côte d'AzurSnow5
3/28Chishiro Ayumu千城歩Seal of the Bourbons / La Côte d'AzurSnow5
3/21Nijou Yuzuru 二条ゆずるI Won't Forget the Young Day's Song / Jump Orient! (Takarazuka)Star7
2/22Asazuki Mario (3)麻月鞠緒 Houjushou (Star)Senka32
2/15Nakahara Kurea (1)中原くれあA Battlefield for the Two of Us (Nippon Seinenkan Hall)Snow5
2/13Masono Arisu真園ありすBay City Blues / It's a Love Story (Chunichi) Flower5

(1) Retired between performances
(2) Retired between the Takarazuka and Tokyo runs of I Won't Forget the Young Day's Song / Jump Orient! following her Sayonara Show at Palace Hotel on 3/28 and 3/29
(3) Passed away while still an active member


Created by Zephy. Last Modification: Friday 13 of July, 2018 15:48:07 GMT-0000 by caithion.
