Drum, Resound to the Sky! / Rhapsody in Love

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Show Information
English Title: Drum, Resound to the Sky! / Rhapsody in Love
Japanese Title: 鼓よ空に響け / 愛のラプソディ
Romanized Title: Tsuzumi yo Sora ni Hibike / Ai no Rapusodi

Troupe: Moon
Year: 1973
Performances: Takarazuka Grand Theater, 03/01 - 03/22
Shinjin Kouen Performances: n/a

Drum, Resound to the Sky!

Based On:
Author/Director: Suganuma Jun
Composer: Yoshizaki Kenji
Choreographer: Hanayagi Juraku
Conductor (Takarazuka): Totoki Kazuo
Conductor (Tokyo): n/a

Rhapsody in Love:

Based On:
Author/Director: Takagi Shirou
Composer: Nakamoto Kiyozumi
Choreographer: Kita Hiroshi, Yamada Taku, Akiko Kanda
Conductor (Takarazuka): Mizoguchi Takashi
Conductor (Tokyo): n/a

Available on DVD: No
Available on Blu-Ray: No
DVD Scene/Music Cuts: n/a


SoutaKoshiro Miyako
KotamaHatsukaze Jun
OtowakaDai Takiko
Kanze no TayuuMiyama Shigure
Otowaka's Older SisterMiyuki Sachiko
Otowaka's WifeChigusa Mikage
WakatayuuHaruna Yuri
FujiyaShioji Asako
UmekojiKanou Yachiho
TonheiAsou Kaoru
ChikusamaruTsune Hanayo

Other Cast: Megumi Sakae, Misaki Arisa, Koyanagi Hizuru, Maruyama Midori, Hanakouji Jun, Mizunose Akira, Kozakura Maki, Aoi Yuka, Urara Mika, Shinju Miharu, Ai Erina, Komatsu Miho, Ikuyo Hikaru, Natsushiro Miki, Minou Yutaka, Ibuki Noboru, Saezuki Shou, Misato Kei, Kumi Kaoru, Miho Masaki, Akimiya Sayuri, Natsugusa Michiyo, Enatsu Jun, Fujishiro Jun, Ariake Jun, Kouki Mika, Minami Yutaka, Daigo Katsura, Ai Michiru, Yumi Takashi, Yakumo Akemi, Nagazuki Hikaru, Mizuno Ryou, Suzu Reiko, Jou Haruki, Houjou Yukari, Hanabusa Rie, Kizuki Miho, Mitake Eri, Kozato Natsu, Shiga Midori, Mayu Akari, Oouchi Shigeru, Harumiya Eri, Kuni Chihiro, Musashino Michiyo, Kitahara Chikoto, Izu Youko, Tomo Chiharu, Remi Ryou, Ushio Haruka, Mari Reika, Natori Rei, Natsuki Teru, Kuretake Hikaru
Ken-1: Mine Saori, Takashio Tomoe, Kotobuki Hizuru, China Yumino, etc.



Drum, Resound to the Sky!

Set in the Warring States Period.

Nobushi fighter Souta defeated the enemy warlord in battle and searched for his head, but when he finally found it his companion had stolen it and gis chances of promotion. Fed up, he decided to return to civilian life and set out for the capitol.

When he reached the capitol, Sout was intrigued by the sound of drumming and followed it to a house. There he found a school of famous sarugaku theater, in the house where Otowaka and his younger sister Kotama lived.

Souta applied to become a pupil of the school, but Otowaka sends him away, saying his does not accept warriors. However, Kotama is drawn to something in his eyes and tells him clean himself up and come try once more.

The next day a nearly unrecognizable, good-looking Souta appears, and Kotama takes him to her brother. From that day forward, Souta and Kotama are tempestuously in love.

One day, Kanze no Tayuu ( high-ranking Noh actor) pays Otowaka a visit and speaks of having him accompany their performance. Otowaka teaches his pupils a new way of drumming, but keeps teaching Souta in the old way.

The Noh actor blames Souta for his out-of-place drumming. Souta, always brought down and shackled by the world, escapes onto the path of Mikawa Manzai....

Rhapsody in Love

A revue show on the theme of love.

Other Information


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Merchandise Cover Art

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Created by caithion. Last Modification: Sunday 27 of October, 2019 15:24:25 GMT-0000 by caithion.
