Site Discussion

Site Discussion

Newbie guide

posts: 39 United States
So, I meant to do this months ago, but only got around to it now. Anyway, one of my Ahi cult friends has a big newbie guide in Japanese. She's been through two cults and has been a fan forever, so a while ago I asked her for permission to translate it. I finally translated the sections that are probably least available in Western fandom (the sections on fan clubs, gallery/guard, and fan letters). Those sections run to about 8 pages single spaced now that I've translated it, so it's *really* detailed, and helpfully, told from a Japanese point of view.
Ideally I thought the translation would live on the wiki rather than my personal site, so I wanted to ask all of your opinion on that. My friend only asked that she be credited and that a link to the original be left on the translation.
I will be asking some friends to read it over before it's technically post-able.

There are also a bunch of other entries that could be translated, but haven't been yet. If you have any great interest in any of these, let me know:

ï½¥When you are interested in Takarazuka

ï½¥About the repertoire presented in Takarazuka

Let's go see Takarazuka: kangeki knowledge

ï½¥ Personal belongings

ï½¥ What to wear

ï½¥ Fan etiquette

Takarazuka Miscellany:


ï½¥Otokoyaku and Musumeyaku



ï½¥Class and Rank

ï½¥Ticket Scalping

ï½¥Show supertitles (Bow Romance, etc.)

ï½¥Slang glossary (this one is really aimed more towards Soragumi-focused message boards)

And that's all I have to say that will remain coherent. Night everyone.
posts: 20
something that some of the new fans might have an interest in is the scalping information. especially since it's different than what normally comes to mind when people think of scalping tickets.

I think this is an AWESOME idea. Thank you to you & your friend! I'm sure it'll help a lot of the new fans.
posts: 39 United States
There is a semi-finished draft here:

Links to the original are included.
posts: 19
My comment from yesterday seems to have disappeared. O.o

Anyway, can we have a link to the original site while we wait for the translation? :)
posts: 39 United States
> Kyanited
Hm, I guess I can do the "Let's go see" series too. Most of it seems pretty obvious to me, but I guess if no one's been to Western-style musical theater at *all* it would be unfamiliar. (Things like opera glasses, not talking during shows, etc.)

I agree with you about the wiki being a resource for the cultural aspect of Takarazuka, too; that's why I wanted to translate the guide in the first place. I've seen a lot of comments expressing complete unfamiliarity with iride tradition in particular, and figured we should try to fix that considering it reflects on us (gaijin cultists) personally.

Anyway, I wasn't sure where it belonged either - I figured under general information, but set off from the things written by the editors. It *is* part of a series on its own, and also clearly reflects its author's voice.

I know, I figured. :-/ But my journal is locked down, so I'd rather people read it and have it walk off than have no one read it at all. My friend's blog is really high up in the Google rankings for a lot of Takarazuka-related terms, so I'm pretty sure she's used to that trade-off.
posts: 166
It's great to post it to the Wiki, of course, but just as long as you and your friend are comfortable with the fact that it *will* walk off, and most likely without either of you being credited. :/

That said, you know I'm dying to read it. :)
posts: 104
I think it would be great to have it here, but I'm not sure how to treat it / where to put it. If we adopt it, we could integrate it somewhere in the rules or general information section. Otherwise we would have to add it to translations under the title "A Japanese Fan's Newbie Guide To Takarazuka".

I think fan etiquette would be an interesting point and IMO important to have at a central place like the TakaWiki. I know at least one other person who has written a small article on the topic.

Also interesting/new in terms of How-To would be What to wear and Personal Belongings.

As the fandom (seemingly) grows, it's my personal opinion that a website like the TakaWiki is not just an important source for information about the performances, performers and events, but also should provide some help for fans. Not just help with shopping, but also help with rules, guidelines, traditions, expectations, behavior etc.

We already have a lot of that information on the website, but it probably needs to be organized...
