Site Discussion

Site Discussion

Where All The Images Went

posts: 144 United States
Your trusty, devoted, highly-skilled TakaWiki management team has done it again.

As part of the backup process, we purged unlinked images from the server. We did this just the way we always used to do it on the old server — there's a special button for it in a control panel — but something appears to have changed in the software. At any rate, it purged over 90% of TakaWiki's image files.

We're re-uploading, but our image backups aren't as recent as our database backups, so if you have, for instance, changed your darling's profile pictures in the last couple of months... you might want to check and make sure they're the way you left them. Not today, as it's going to take a few hours to finish the process, but perhaps tomorrow.

Honestly, we had no way of knowing it was going to do that. We're doing the best we can to fix it, and we promise to learn from the mistake!

P.S. I really hate to mention this, but... it would appear that we're going to have to do the poster-cleaning-out again. Let's see. Who's crazy enough to volunteer? ;)

> What the HECK is this?
> http://takarazuka-revue.info/img/wiki_up/69115731.eJqZJhxt.IMG_2538.jpeg

I actually remember seeing that one someone's profile page, but can't remember what login name it belonged to, so I can't say if it's currently in use or not, sorry.
> > I don't even remember them being on Dai-chan's page O_O All I can think is that they're fairly old or weren't up for very long
> I thought I'd ask, because I know some people use pictures on their own user pages.

Nope, those are the set that were up for a while before the current ones, and so are obviously no longer needed!
posts: 708
> I don't even remember them being on Dai-chan's page O_O All I can think is that they're fairly old or weren't up for very long

I thought I'd ask, because I know some people use pictures on their own user pages.
posts: 128 Japan
> Okay, looks like we'll have to do this the hard way. Manually. Through all 3000. I'll be adding questions here as they come up.
> What the HECK is this?
> http://takarazuka-revue.info/img/wiki_up/69115731.eJqZJhxt.IMG_2538.jpeg

I remember someone having that on their profile page, but don't remember who

> Are these two still being used?
> http://takarazuka-revue.info/img/wiki_up/dai_understudy01.png
> http://takarazuka-revue.info/img/wiki_up/daioffstage.jpg

I don't even remember them being on Dai-chan's page O_O All I can think is that they're fairly old or weren't up for very long
posts: 708
Okay, looks like we'll have to do this the hard way. Manually. Through all 3000. I'll be adding questions here as they come up.

What the HECK is this?

Are these two still being used?

posts: 144 United States
All the images I have are up. Fingers crossed that'll do it!
posts: 708
*wiggles fingers* Mea culpa! I do have a recent back-up of images starting A-D, so those will be fine, as soon as we get them all re-uploaded.

ETA: Looks like all of the images uploaded since the wiki went back online are fine. So we may not have lost more than a couple of images, all told. We'll let you know when the re-uploading is done.
