Site Discussion

Site Discussion

Title Graphics

posts: 104
Are posters generally preferred as title graphics for perfomance summary pages?
posts: 15 United States
I won't run off to replace any posters or existing title graphics, but the idea of making a graphic is... tempting... :D Like... making your own poster... same format... same sparklies... Oooh~~

I know it is xD and honestly you can still make some. I made one for the Moon encourage concert and for Emi's Musical Salon.
posts: 104
See, I personally lean towards posters or covers. I believe it makes the wiki look more uniform, professional, and it is a lot more helpful.

True. I also like the posters, for pretty much the same reasons. (You *may* have noticed. :P)

I won't run off to replace any posters or existing title graphics, but the idea of making a graphic is... tempting... :D Like... making your own poster... same format... same sparklies... Oooh~~
posts: 15 United States
See, I personally lean towards posters or covers. I believe it makes the wiki look more uniform, professional, and it is a lot more helpful.

I mean of course sometimes there is no other alternative other than to make a graphic, I've made a few. Yet, if someone happens to have the poster or a program cover scan they should feel free to replace what I made.

(plus making your own graphic you always run into the problem of other people thinking its ugly or poorly made. With posters or cover scans ... if they are ugly there is nothing they can actually do about it xD)
posts: 104
That's interesting to know... Oh, the possibilities!! Where to start...?

(I'm guessing those would also be safer in terms of copyrights...)
posts: 708
I think the original idea of the title graphic was more along the lines of what MerryShannon did for Yukigumi's '96 Elisabeth. So I think as long as people keep it within the size-limit and rules, it's up to you what you post. Although posters and program covers seem to be popular. ;)
posts: 128 Japan
Personally, I'd lean towards "Yes," but having no official rules on this point, it's purely personal opinion.
