Takarazuka Garden Fields (宝塚ガーデンフィールズ):
Formerly called Takarazuka Family Land, an amusement park which was closed in April 2003, and reopened as a city park. The amusement park was the original site of the Takarazuka Revue. The Garden Fields consisted of English gardens, a garden and coffee shop, a dog park, a pet shop, and a Chinese restaurant. You used to get a free entry coupon to the garden when buying a same day ticket.

In 2013 they were closed down, the Music School’s dormitory was moved there and a storage warehouse for stage props was build. Later in 2020 the Takarazuka Art Center with a more simplistic park opened. The Center comprises a gallery for various exhibitions and an atelier area for creative workshops. The park and public space inside the center are free of charge.

The Tezuka Osamu Museum and also a Uniqlo right next to it, as well as the former Music School building, which houses the Sumire Museum about the school’s history.

Related Links:
Archived version of the Garden Field’s Homepage
Takarazuka Art Center Homepage
The Sumire Museum (in Japanese)

Created by MerryShannon. Last Modification: Friday 04 of November, 2022 00:09:34 GMT-0000 by blumerio.
