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    sowmyak Thu 23 of Aug, 2007 09:02 GMT-0000

    i was just wondering....umm... what exactly IS a laserdisc? and will it work on a dvd player? i would assume not since it's called a laserdisc and not a dvd...any help would be much appreciated...the laserdisc set is on crescent-shop and i was contemplating buying it as opposed to the vhs. Thanx!
    • Zephy Thu 23 of Aug, 2007 12:03 GMT-0000

      Laserdiscs are just that.... laserdiscs. Sometimes called LD. They're a pretty much a mostly dead technology now and never quite caught on in the US as much as it had in Japan. Think of laserdiscs as a predecessor of the DVD. They're about the size of an LP record, thus look just like a giant DVD or CD. To play a laserdisc, you need a laserdisc player.
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        sowmyak Thu 23 of Aug, 2007 22:21 GMT-0000

        ohh ok! haha i guess that was a pretty silly question...although quite honestly, i never even KNEW laserdiscs and laserdisc players existed. Thank you very much for thaking time to answer mai question Zephy. I appreciate it!
      • yukimura_wao Fri 24 of Aug, 2007 00:26 GMT-0000

        They are not exactly caught on in the US, it's just you never use it.
