Site Discussion

Site Discussion

Show names

While browsing the Taka Wiki, I noticed that in the show lists (sorted by year etc.) you only have the English translation of the show title. To see the original title in Kanji/Kana or romanized, you have to go to the show description.
For me, this is a little inconvenient, because when I am searching a certain show, I mainly have either the original name from a flyer or something like that, or the romanized version of the original title from a friend’s mail, or because I heard it. It is then quite difficult to find that show, when I can’t translate at least a part of the show title.
I now wonder, if there are others with the same difficulties, or if it’s only me. And if there are others, if there is the possibility to implement either the original title in Kanji or the romanized form or even both into the show lists.


posts: 166
a) Leave it and I'll fix it if I notice it. :)

b) I list them both ways, because sometimes they show them on TV individually, so some people may only have one part and wouldn't know to look for it under the other name. (Think Department Store/Arch of Triumph, which would only have been under "D."). If I'm listing alphabetically by the second show, I haven't been putting the first show's name before it, because it messes up the alphabetizing. That's all. *shrug*

posts: 144 United States
Help! Help! Cross-referencing emergencies!

a) What do I do if I don't know the Japanese title of a show? You've done all my existing pages — thankyouthankyouthankyou — but I'm about to put up another and I really have no idea.

b) Are we listing plays and revues separately in the title pages now? I see more and more of them are listed that way, but I've always listed the two halves of a performance together... did I miss out on some sort of directive?
posts: 166
Well, I was only going to do it for the alphabetical pages. The idea of doing it for the by year and by troupe pages makes me break out in a cold sweat. :/

> princesslucia:

> The word okay does not even begin to cover how fabulous that would be. :)
posts: 144 United States
I was thinking of splitting out the "by title" pages - having one section for Japanese (romanized) titles and one for English. Does that sound okay? Would it help a little for finding shows?

The word okay does not even begin to cover how fabulous that would be. :)
posts: 166
I was thinking of splitting out the "by title" pages - having one section for Japanese (romanized) titles and one for English. Does that sound okay? Would it help a little for finding shows?

I'm not up for figuring out a "by kanji" section... and I don't think most people would know how to look them up by kanji anyway....

posts: 166
Yes, I completely agree, but since the convention of the site was setup with English titles... *shrug*

It might be possible to add a column for the kanji or romanized name, but that would be a huge amount of work that I'm not volunteering for. ;)

FYI, for all the shows I've done summary pages for (and a few others that I've caught), the romanized Japanese name is in the alphabetical index. So you can find it by name, just not on the year & troupe pages.
posts: 144 United States
You raise a most valid and interesting point! I have the same trouble sometimes. My own preference would have been to use romanised Japanese show titles — I don't even know the English translations for a lot of things in my collection! — but the decision was made that as TakaWiki is the primary English-language fansite, we should use English first and foremost.

It's possible that the tireless translating elves who have been making our show lists might be willing to amend their work, for the sake of those of us who sometimes need the extra help. But one of them is away for six weeks, and the second has quite a few other translating and Wiki-editing projects on the go at the moment. Perhaps we could do it ourselves with the help of Cherry Blossoms! ;)
